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Cannot select Address Locator Style

10-30-2015 05:58 AM
New Contributor

Using ArcMap 10.3, basic license.

I'm trying to create an address locator for Washington DC to geocode a list of addresses, something I've done several times for other areas.  Today when I went to pick the Address Locator Style, the dialog is showing up empty (see attached picture).

I've repaired the ArcGIS installation & verified that the folder & files exist & the security settings aren't messed up.  I cannot find any information on this issue online.  I am at a loss.


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1 Reply
Esteemed Contributor

What operating system is ArcGIS for Desktop installed on?

If it is Windows 7, then the locator styles should be found at:

C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.3\Locators

Are there any files in this location after you repaired the software?

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