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Cannot create geodatabase by "Create Enterprise Geodatabase" tool

11-06-2012 06:31 PM
New Contributor
Hello all, I want to create a geodatabase in the Oracle database, my OS is Windows Server 2008 r2. I have installed Oracle 11g(X64) and Client(X32), and the connection test is OK in the Client. Then I want to create a geodatabase in the Oracle by the Create Enterprise Geodatabase tool but failed, the error is ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified, but the connection is all right, is there any other settings? Thank you!
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1 Reply
New Contributor III
If you can connect from the Oracle client, you should be able to connect from the Create Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool as well.  If you are using TNS names, you will have to make sure you have an entry in 32bit version, and not just the 64bit version. 

This is what the Create Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool looks like for me, hopefully it points you in the right direction.  If not, you will need to post more information.

I connect to Oracle like this:

sqlplus travis@testServer

And my Create Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing looks like this:

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