I wasn't recommending that you modify my 'C' source (I haven't found a customer who
wanted to pay to add that functionaility), but if you can read it, you might better understand
what's happening, and thereafter code your own polygon population module (I don't
recommend an Esri novice get anywhere near the ArcSDE 'C' API).
You seem to have captured many of the issues surrounding variability in performance;
there is no one solution that will address these divergent constraints. It you haven't already
done so, you should search on "spatial fragmentation", since that is something that you
may be able to control. You can also look at the size histogram generated by 'sdestats
-o size -F 0,5000,20 -f -'.
Note that any number of different spatial storage algorithms might be used, depending
on how you have your instance configured, so "whatever the default is" might be different
from instance to instance (or might change suddenly within one instance, if the DBTUNE
environment was altered).
- V