I need my database connection to be refreshed automatically everytime an editor is posting changes back to the Default version. Is there a way to do that? I do not want this to be done by having to click the refresh button on the versioning toolbar.
P.S. I have a versioned database with one version, the Default version.
Thanks in advance.
Check if the info on this link helps:
Auto Refresh in ArcGIS using Python - Stack Overflow
(I have not tried any of the above personally)
Thanks for the reply. I will check this out.
Med vänliga hälsningar
Maria Andreoudi
tfn. 0480-45 04 74
Kalmar kommun | Samhällsbyggnadskontoret
Box 611 | 391 26 Kalmar
Från: Asrujit SenGupta
Skickat: den 15 maj 2017 15:21
Till: Maria Andreoudi
Ämne: Re: - Re: Auto refresh database connection in arcmap
GeoNet <https://community.esri.com/?et=watches.email.thread>
Re: Auto refresh database connection in arcmap
reply from Asrujit SenGupta<https://community.esri.com/people/asrujit_pb?et=watches.email.thread> in Managing Data - View the full discussion<https://community.esri.com/message/686981-re-auto-refresh-database-connection-in-arcmap?commentID=686981&et=watches.email.thread#comment-686981>
Hi, Maria, Have you find some method or solve the problem(auto refresh database connection)?