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Auto-Populate one field in Collector based on another

12-27-2019 10:47 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a field collector application recording cross walks.  Right now I have a series of domains to allow for easy fills of select fields such as if a certain measurement for the crosswalk passes or fails inspection.  These pass fails are based on recorded measurements.

Is there anyway that I can get the pass/fail fields to auto fill for my field workers based on the answer they in place in the integer measurement field.

Ex) ramp1_slope% is greater than 8% so ramp1_pass_fail field auto fills with fail.  (ramp1_pass_fail has the domain: pass, fail. ramp1_slope% is integer field)

I am debating remaking this collector into a 123 survey but am concerned about point accuracy and if it would really save my field workers any time. 

I am a novice at python mostly use it for calculations and know just enough arcade to make a pop-up for webmaps.

Thank you for your time and advice

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4 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Sue Ranseen ,

Do you want that the field worker is directly notified of the pass fails or is this something that you want to see in the office? The new Collector supports Arcade to show these results and Survey123 allows to provide these validations at the form level. If you want to have a physical result of in a field, you can configure a geoprocessing tool and schedule it with ArcGIS Pro (scheduling will be available as of version 2.5 that will be released next month).

You mentioned to be concerned about the precision of the point locations recorded with Survey123. Survey123 has support for external GNSS receivers, as explained in this blog: 

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Occasional Contributor

I want the pass/fail field to auto populate in the field when the surveyor puts the condition in.  

so if the number is under a certain level the next field comes up pass or fail.  I want the surveyor to see this on their device within real time.  

Do you have any links to look into this through arcade as you mentioned in your reply?

Thank you for the survey-GNSS link.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Sue Ranseen ,

Based on your reply I'm starting to believe that you are better off with Survey123 since you want to provide feedback to the surveyor on their device. This type of workflow can be better tweaked configuring a smart form in Survey123.

To obtain some more information on Arcade, this is the url: ArcGIS Arcade | ArcGIS for Developers. In Collector (no in classic) you could show a value in the pop-up based on another value or multiple values. However, currently Survey123 provides more intelligent logic in the smart forms.

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you for the helpful links.  I am also thinking survey 123 with the gnss hookup is they way to go.  Just need to talk to the other survey teams to see if it is allowed.