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Attribute table shows '??' in Shapefile after exporting from dwg file with Marathi font

08-29-2017 06:02 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi, I am trying to export dwg file to shape file from autocad , but the dwg file has marathi font. while exporting to shape file. its attribute table field is coming with but all ?? signs. i want display marathi font in attribute table of arcgis. Kindly help.. 

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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Hi Vikas,

Could you zip and attach the CAD file for me to check? You could also reach me at

Think Location
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Hi Vikas,

Thank you for sharing the sample CAD file.

Shapefiles don't support Annotation. Use File Geodatabase for storing the exported feature classes. You should use one of the following tools to get appropriate annotation in a File Geodatabase.
Note: A few texts might not get imported correctly.

Think Location
Emerging Contributor

Thank you very much sir.

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