I have a 1:M relationship class which tracks inspections of grass cutting for a grass verges, I have created an attribute rule 2 ways which aim's to update a field called 'cutNumber' which is currently set as '0'.
var asset = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature, "Grass_Inspections_REL", ['cutNumber'], true);
var asset = First(asset);
if (!IsEmpty(asset)) {
if ($feature.inspCutStatus == 'Cut'){
asset['cutNumber'] = asset['cutNumber'] + 1;
return asset['cutNumber'];
} else {
return asset['cutNumber'];
This is the first script which has no error messages but the 'cutNumber' field doesn't update by increments of +1 when an inspections has a cut Status == 'Cut'.
I then tried this way
// Get the related inspections
var inspections = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature, "Grass_Inspections_REL", ['cutStatus', 'cutDate'], true);
Filter(inspections, 'cutStatus = inspCutStatus')
// Initialize the count of cut inspections
var cutCount = 0;
// Loop through the inspections
for (var inspection in inspections) {
// Check if the cutStatus is 'Cut' and the cutDate is in 2024
if (inspection['cutStatus'] == 'Cut' && Year(inspection['cutDate']) == 2024){
// Increment the count
cutCount += 1;
// Update the 'cutNumber' field with the count of cut inspections
$feature.inspCutNumber == cutCount;
Which returns Null instead.
// Return the updated feature
return $feature.inspCutNumber.
This return a Null instead of '0' like the previous example.
Any ideas why this might be the case ?