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ArcSDE service fails to start on 2008R2 server

02-03-2014 05:06 AM
Deactivated User
Problem: Installed ArcSDE on new 2008R2 Server and configured it the same as existing instance on soon to be deprecated 2008 R1 server.

Service was created manually because the post install failed, and recommendation to use the -n option was implemented.

The service is created but will not start and stay started. It claims it cannot connect to the Oracle database instance, although the database is alive and reachable from the server in question.

Our suspicion is that there is a Local Security Policy that has locked down the machine, but we are not sure which one is affecting SDE.


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6 Replies
Deactivated User
what was the error when the post-instillation failed ?

also, have you used the sde command lines?

this link could help you:
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Deactivated User
this link also gives more insight for Troubleshooting ArcSDE on windows :
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Deactivated User

Can you confirm if this is a "Distributed Install-- ArcSDE on 1 machine and Oracle on another server)?

Considering you mentioned the "-n" option particularly, I am assuming it is a distributed install. The Post Installation wizard cannot be used to create a service in that scenario.

A good link for consideration:
HowTo:  Install ArcSDE on a machine that is remote from the Oracle RDBMS

Step 5 onwards from the above link should help.

Note: Please do mention the complete version of ArcGIS and database, during the initial post, for a better/more applicable response.
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Deactivated User

This is a distributed installation. ArcSDE is loaded on a machine separate from the RDMBS.

The RDBMS is Oracle

ArcSDE is 10.0.2400

We are trying to change production servers. I currently have a server running SDE sucessfully. The server I can't get the service to start on is the replacement server.

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Deactivated User
And when I run the command line:

C:\Windows\system32>sdemon -o start -s drumc201va11205 -i newdrumisd
Please enter ArcSDE DBA password:
Error: Service newdrumisd doesn't exist on drumc201va11205.
Operation Failed, Unable to start iomgr.

I get an error as above.
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Deactivated User

Few things to check:
1. Make sure you add the entries in both the Services file manually.
2. Make sure the dbinit file is modified after creating the service and before starting it.  (Step 7 in the link I referred)

** Also go to the the SDE Home--> etc folder and check the error in the sde_logfile (sde_newdrumisd). Maybe that would give us more information.

If this still doesn't help, my suggestion would be to contact the ESRI Tech Support for better troubleshooting.

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