There's several things wrong here. First of all, there really is no need to run an application server
with ArcGIS 10.2 at all, much less on a remote server (which has never been recommended).
Remote service start has always been flightly, and never easy to configure. Since the application
server isn't necessary, remote start is even less so.
Finally, if you are going to run an application server on a remote host, you MUST install Oracle client
software on that host -- there is no way to make a connection without Oracle libraries. You must also
know enough about the Oracle server instance to configure the TNSNAMES to connect to the instance.
And you'll need to put the actual software locations in the ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Best practice would be to configure Oracle Instant Client on your GIS workstation(s), run the Create
Enterprise Geodatabase tool, configure the listener for ST_GEOMETRY, create tablespaces for geodata,
create users to hold the geodata, create roles to manage the geodata, and then move on to data
loading and geodatabase use.
- V