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ArcObjects to Standardize an Address

09-14-2011 03:03 PM
Deactivated User
Is there a function anywhere in ArcObjects that will take a complete address and return the standardized parts?  Even if the address doesn't have a match against the map data?  For example,
'101 E LEMON ST' is passed in and in return you get the fields parsed out <addr #=101>, <prefix dir = E>, <str nme = LEMON>, <suffix type = ST>
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4 Replies
Deactivated User
For those that are interested, we used to be able to use IAdvancedGeocoding2, but as of ArcGIS 10 that interface no longer works with locators created with ArcGIS 10. 

However, I did find that you can use ISimpleStandardization to get the standardized parts of an address.  Hopefully, Esri won't also take this interface away.
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Occasional Contributor
In Arc10 and 10.1 when sending an address (i.e. 122 W Sample Rd) to ISimpleStandardization.SimpleStandardizeAddress its returning the wrong prefix / suffix direction (i.e. 122 West Sample Rd). Tried referencing all locator styles (mainly �??US Address - Dual Ranges�??) and local gdb geocode locators.

I believe there are some changes with ESRI 10.0 / 10.1 locators and IAdvancedGeocoding not supported �?� but this shouldn�??t prevent correct address standardization. The ESRI standardizer is changing W to West �?� or S to South �?� and if the street name in the address has W or S, it does not match. How did you preserve the abbrevations parsed??
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Emerging Contributor
Did you ever find a solution to this? I'm working ArcObjects 10.2 SDK and am trying to figure out the same thing. The standardizer is inconsistent. For example, it standarizes "Street" or "St" as "St", which is what I want. But then it takes "Road" or "Rd" and standardizes it as "Road" instead of "Rd". Prefix directions are getting standardized as the spelled out direction instead of the abbreviation. Is there any way to change the standardization rules to match how it used to standardize prior to 10.0?
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Esri Regular Contributor
You can change what the "standard" value is by editing the USAddress.lot.xml file found in the ARCGISInstallFolder\Locators folder.  In this file you will find alias lists and the first one in the list is the one that will be returned as "standard.

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