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ArcMap pasting text element instead of feature

11-02-2012 11:45 AM
Occasional Contributor
In the past, there were many times when I'd mistakenly paste a text element when I'd intended to paste a feature into a feature class while editing. But I'm now starting to experience something that I'd never seen before...

I'm in an edit session, editing a point class. I select a point, either ctrl+C or right-click>Copy, and then Paste...
But it pastes a text element. I must then Undo, and then copy again - the same way - and then paste again, and this time it pastes the feature correctly.

Anyone else seeing this? Is there a known bug with 10.0? I'm still running SP3 here. I'll probably move to 10.1 in the next couple of months, but I would like to know whether there's a way around this.

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