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ArcGIS 10.1 SDE services not starting

11-21-2012 05:41 PM
Deactivated User

Getting problem while starting Arcgis Sde services.

Error starting esri_sded service(1053)
Could not start ArcSDE -- Check Network, $SDEHOME disk, DBMS settings and dbinit

Help needed.

Thanks in advance.
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12 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
You need to provide a lot more information if you want a solution --

What database?  Which version (exact release)?  What service pack/patchset?

Which ArcGIS? What service pack? Any additional patches?

Has the service ever worked, or is this a first time install?

What do the logs in SDEHOME/etc contain? 

What does 'sdeservice -o list' report?

What have you tried so far?

- V
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Thanks for your response. Please find the details below.Kindly assist

The below are the software�??s/applications details

A)Development Workstation

[INDENT]OS:  Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit, Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Sp1[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Note: Computer name does not contains _ or space[/INDENT]

[INDENT]ArcGIS Version:   10.1  (EDN)  Components Installed as below:  [/INDENT]

[INDENT]1.ArcGIS Server for Enterprise 10.1 (EDN),  [/INDENT]

[INDENT]2.ArcSDE 10.1 for Oracle10g  (sp1)[/INDENT]

[INDENT]3.ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 (sp1)[/INDENT]

[INDENT]Oracle Client:[/INDENT]

B)Database Server:  (Separate server)

[INDENT]Database: Oracle 10g ( 64 bit [/INDENT]

[INDENT]OS: Linux 64bit[/INDENT]

Service never worked before, this is the first time install
No logs generated in SDEHOME\etc\ folder

C) Sdeservice list
C:\>sdeservice -o list

SDE service Information
RDBMS:              Oracle
Name:                 ArcSde Service(esri_sded)
SDEHOME: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE\ora10gexe\
Version:              10.1
Status:                 SERVICE_STOPPED

D) What has been tried so far???

1- Installed ArcGIS Server 10.1 and authenticated successfully, followed by installed  as below

2- Installed Oracle Client ( and Created Local Service named GISD, tested the sqlplus from command prompt working fine.

3- Created a SDE Service
        C:\>sdeservice -o create -d ORACLE,GISD -p sde10d -i esri_sded
        Error creating SDE Service(esri_sded).
        Database service OracleServiceGISD doesn't exist.
        Use option -n to exculde OracleServiceGISD from ArcSde dependent service.

4- Recreated create service using �??n option
      C:\>sdeservice -o create -d ORACLE,GISD -p sde10d -i esri_sded -n

      Copying contents of C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE\ora10gexe\\etc\dbinit.sde to
      C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE\ora10gexe\\etc\dbinit.sde.backup.

      Successfully created and registered esri_sded service

5- Since Oracle & ArcSDE in different machine altered dbinit.sde file changed

6- Verified environment below variables
       ORACLE_HOME = C:\app\useraccount\product\11.2.0\client_1\
       ORAHOME = C:\app\useraccount\product\11.2.0\client_1\
       SDEHOME =  C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE\ora10gexe\

7- Started the SDE service
          C:\>sdemon -o start -i esri_sded -p sde10d
          Error starting esri_sded service(1053)
          Could not start ArcSDE -- Check Network, $SDEHOME disk, DBMS settings and dbinit.sde.
0 Kudos
Esri Esteemed Contributor
6- Verified environment below variables
       ORACLE_HOME = C:\app\useraccount\product\11.2.0\client_1\

Why do you have an 11.2 client to connect to a 10.2 server?

- V
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Thanks for replying

This Oracle Environmental variable created by ORACLE CLient installation
First we installed Oracle followed by PATCHSET was installed. This created this env variable.
0 Kudos
Esri Esteemed Contributor
There's all manner of weaknesses in Windows, but the worst is the inability to control
environment variables in boot scripts.  You can't effectively load both 10gR2 and 11gR2
and expect ArcSDE to start (unless 10gR2 was loaded second, and even then, it's iffy).
The PATH variable *must* have the 10.2 ORACLE_HOME/bin before 11.2 if you want to
start ArcSDE for 10gR2.

Given that 10gR2 is unsupported, I'd recommend you only use 11g (and the corresponding
ArcSDE for Oracle 11g).  Life is too short to spend part of it messing with old unsupported

- V
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Thanks for your followup
With respect to your response - We decided to un-install/cleanup the Oracle Clients and re-install; will get back to you on this ASAP.


Can you please clarify when you mentioned Oracle 10gR2 unsupported?

With reference to ESRI system requirements (below) for Oracle database patch support
That�??s why the reason we patched the Oracle from to

We confused & worried

0 Kudos
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Oracle never functioned with any Esri product; it certainly should not be used.

Esri, for whatever reason, continues to support *ArcSDE* on Oracle 10gR2, but *Oracle*
discontinued support for 10gR2 years ago.  Unsupported software is more vulnerable
to all manner of security threats.  I don't recommend using unsupported software in
the ArcGIS software stack.

- V

PS:  It looks like Oracle changed their end-of-life policy after 10gR2 support ended
(and I stopped paying attention to 10g).  It seems they are still releasing some critical
patches for 10gR2, but I still don't recommend using 10gR2 for inital installs.
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Hi Vince Angelo - apologize for very late response�?� was been away from office for a while.

We manage to get SDE 10.1 instance with Oracle successfully and working fine.

What we have done is
1- Removed all installations of Oracle Client & clean up, and ArcGIS products
2- Reinstalled the Oracle 11.g client and Re-installed the ArcGIS products (EDN 10.1 ArcSDE, ArcGIS Server)
3- Followed by Re-Created the enterprise geodatabase using ArcCatalog
4- Then we created SDE instance and started.  It worked fine without any problem.
Now we able communicate to GDB through SDE and SDE DC access.

Now what we wonder is..?

ESRI has clearly mentioned that it supports Oracle 10g provided patch to or higher in the documentation (refer below)
It means it should support when Oracle or higher.

When you say that �??Esri, for whatever reason, continues to support *ArcSDE* on Oracle 10gR2, but *Oracle* discontinued support for 10gR2 years ago�?�
In this case ESRI should have advised/alerted its customer not to use oracle 10g for its product as Oracle itself discontinued it support.

When it comes to documentation ESRI says it supports
When it comes to problem/issues same ESRI says it is not supported.

Clearly ESRI put us in contradicting and confusing mode.
Sorry very dissappointing....
0 Kudos
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Esri supports *ArcGIS* with Oracle 10.2.  It does not provide support for Oracle's
software products (nor Microsoft's, nor IBM's).  As I wrote in my postscript, Oracle
started desupporting 10.2, then changed their support policy (probably because
folks wouldn't  stop using it). 

Yet 10gR2 still is "old" software, and you need to at least start planning for the day
when Esri stops releasing ArcGIS Server components that work with it, even if
Oracle promises to provide "sustaining support" indefinitely.

Quoting that document:

Sustaining Support does not include
New updates, fixes, security alerts, data fixes, and critical patch updates
New tax, legal, and regulatory updates
New upgrade scripts
Certification with new third-party products/versions
Certification with new Oracle products

The first and fourth bullets are the important ones.  Given a "July 2013" end to
"Extended Support", it is unlikely that any post-10.1 ArcGIS major release will
support Oracle 10gR2.

I'm still unclear on why you installed an "11.g client" for use with 10gR2 server
and the 10gR2 client ArcGIS, but if it's working correctly...

- V
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