Thank you very much for your attention to this thread.
All of the 4000 tables are owned by the default user "sde". There are about 60 featuredatasets, each datasets contains about 5 to 50 featureclasses. There are about 150 tables, they do not belong to any datasets.
Most of the featureclass are simple features: point, polyline and polygon. There are about 100 annotations.
We will edit these featureclasses, but we chose to merge the edits into the base table.There are only one version "default" in the sde.
Currently, it's very very slow in connectting and listing all the featuredatasets. But after the data added to the Arcmap, view the data is not slow.
I am wondering when the ArcCatlong connect to the DB2, it seems try to get a lot information from DB2. We did not do anything to the SDE's system table. Should we add some kind of index to some system table like "Layers"?