I have got a few single band, greyscale rasters that I want to mosaic, but their brightness values are sharply different. Therefore, I have been trying to stretch and match the brightness levels of individual images so that they appear uniform (seamless) across all the images using Image Analysis (as suggested in here: https://community.esri.com/t5/data-management-questions/permanently-change-image-brightness/td-p/386... However, when I save the stretched images and create the mosaics (using 'mosaic to new raster'), the brightness levels do not match. I am using ArcMap 10.5.1.
Any suggestions how this can be done?
Thanks in advance,
Did you stretch them individually? which might make matters worse for adjacent images.
Or did you try the other suggestions>
Hi Dan,
Yes I had stretched them individually to the point that they all appeared seamless. Then I exported them hoping that these brightness levels are preserved, which didn't turn out to be so.
So the image analyst option didn't work then (?)
Yes that's correct. When I mosaic these individually brightness-stretched images they seemed to go back to their original brightness values...