10.2 Model works, but python fails -ERROR 000010: Geocode addresses failed

09-04-2013 02:44 PM
New Contributor III
I created a model, then converted it to python and gave the output file a new name.

I am using Desktop Advanced 10.2 on windows 7 with the world locator from an arcgisonline subscription.

Now I get the generic ERROR 000010: Geocode addresses failed error.

The model worked fine, the geocoding script fails!

So far tech support have not answered this.

If anyone has any answers let me know please!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "G:\GeocodeData\FR_worldgeocode333.py", line 19, in <module>
    arcpy.GeocodeAddresses_geocoding(geocode_input_csv, World_GeocodeServer__2_, "Address \"in_street\" VISIBLE NONE;Neighborhood <None> VISIBLE NONE;City \"in_city\" VISIBLE NONE;Subregion <None> VISIBLE NONE;Region \"in_state\" VISIBLE NONE;Postal \"in_zip\" VISIBLE NONE;PostalExt <None> VISIBLE NONE;CountryCode <None> VISIBLE NONE", test_geocode_fr33_shp, "STATIC")
  File "g:\programs\arcgis\desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\geocoding.py", line 194, in GeocodeAddresses
    raise e
ExecuteError: ERROR 000010: Geocode addresses failed.
Failed to execute (GeocodeAddresses).

I did find this post in bugs. I hope this is not still true:  http://support.esri.com/en/bugs/nimbus/TklNMDg1Nzky

Fiona Renton
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