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Support Postgres tables with names in Mixed case

04-12-2013 01:30 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

I have some tables in a Postgres database, whose names are in mixed case. example: public."Building_Data"
ArcGIS desktop has trouble connecting to these tables, because their name is not in small letters. (See this forum post for more details: ) Other softwares do not have trouble with these kinds of tables, and ArcGIS should be able to work with them.

The support for mixed case objects (tablenames, column names) should be supported for other databases (like DB2) as well.

Absolutely agree that if mixed case is supported in postgresql, then it sould also be supported in ArcGIS (as it is with SQL Server & Oracle).

This is especially problematic for customers who are transitioning to Esri from open source solutions and we have recently had to go through the painful process of renaming db objects for one customer, just so that ArcGIS will recognise them. Not a good start to their Esri experience!