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More details in Schema Report for Attribute Rules

04-02-2024 11:50 AM
New Contributor II

In the geodatabase schema report, can a new column be added to list any additional objects (tables, feature classes) participating in that attribute rule (AR)? By default, the attribute rule is involving the feature class (FC) where it has been established on, however at times the attribute rule looks at some other FC to do an overlay (identity, etc.). You can get that info from within the "Script" column where there is actual Arcade code with comments. My suggestion is to extract this additional FC and list its info separately in a new column. It would help tremendously when migrating the data between instances or when doing any schema changes. Usually the "owner' of that other FC which is being referenced in the AR is not even aware of its FC involvement, hence when doing changes to that other FC, accidentally invalidates the original AR. Having a single column listing all FCs involved in particular AR would be a great help for GDB admins. Thanks.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Thanks for taking the time to share this Idea!

We can see how this would be a useful feature and we're giving it a bit more thought to see if it is feasible.  


Thanks for considering it!