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Data Loading Technical Questions

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07-23-2020 11:21 AM
Deactivated User

We are in the process of migrating our electrical system to the new utility network using the data loading tools to load data into the electrical asset package. I have several technical questions about the data loading tools.

1. If we forget to add an asset or need to update the existing workspace for whatever reason, do we need to re-map all our source feature classes to their targets or can we simply map the one feature we forgot and add it to an existing workspace or do we have to create an entire new workspace for that one forgotten component? Is there a way to update an existing workspace?

2. Say, for example, we need to separate our dynamic protective devices between medium and low voltage to map them to separate asset groups in electric devices, we can do that in the data_reference workbook by setting a definition query. BUT do we need to set opposite definition queries to ensure that data is not mapped incorrectly. Something like below. The first row is taking medium voltage devices and the bottom row is pulling in low voltage devices. 

This same concept would apply in any situation where one needs to pull out and distinguish asset groups?

3. Can you please add more detail to your documentation about adding new fields or customizing fields. For any new fields we want to add say latitude/longitude for electric manholes, do we need to add this to the asset package geodatabase, the target schema tab, and the mapping tab? 


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Deactivated User

1. Perfect. That answers my question.

2. Nope just wanted verification that I had to do the inverse definition query. Essentially one will need a new workbook for any asset group they try to map to. 

3. Perfect, I will add the new fields to the asset package and the target schema but ignore the mapping tab. Makes sense because the information and field types have not changed. 

I will definitely have additional questions and will post them as we go through this process. 

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Anne Santa Maria

Thank you for your questions.

For your first question (1) – Currently, the best way to achieve this is to regenerate your Excel workbooks after making the change in your data model (so recreate a new data loading workspace in a separate destination folder by running the Create Data Loading Workspace tool again) and then either copy the corrected Excel workbooks into your initial workspace to replace the incorrect ones, or simply copy the new/corrected lines and rows. The functionality to upgrade existing workbooks is currently under consideration by our team of developers and may be introduced in a future update of the tools.

For your second question (2) – Based on your description and screenshot, your workflow for separating values using the inverse query looks correct. Is there something more specific you are trying to achieve here?

For your third question (3) – You can add it to the asset package geodatabase and the target schema tab (adding it to the mapping tab is not required).



Deactivated User

1. Perfect. That answers my question.

2. Nope just wanted verification that I had to do the inverse definition query. Essentially one will need a new workbook for any asset group they try to map to. 

3. Perfect, I will add the new fields to the asset package and the target schema but ignore the mapping tab. Makes sense because the information and field types have not changed. 

I will definitely have additional questions and will post them as we go through this process. 

Occasional Contributor

Good morning,

I'm looking for some clarification on item 3. If a field has been added to the UN data model and that field has values in the source data, it does NOT need to be mapped in the mapping tab? even just !Latitude! to the new latitude field?

My confusion is increased by @PaulLeBlanc1 's response here: says the target schema tab would not need to be updated. 



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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Allyson,

The yellow tabs (SourceSchema, TargetSchema, SourceSubtypes, TargetSubtypes) in the workbooks are for your reference only - for you to look at and help you better understand the source and target schemas of your data models. Also, the source field options you get in the dropdown (Expression column, in the Mappin tab) come from the SourceSchema sheet - so if you remove a field from that sheet, it will not be reflected in the dropdown anymore, but it can still be used to load data. Changes you make in these yellow tabs will not affect/impact the results of your data load.

If you make changes to your source or target datasets, you will need to make the related changes in the Mapping tab and the blue tabs to reflect these changes.

So to answer your question "If a field has been added to the UN data model and that field has values in the source data, it does NOT need to be mapped in the mapping tab? even just !Latitude! to the new latitude field?" - Yes you can add that new field in the mapping tab, in the TargetField column, and assign the source field in the Expression column.

When making changes to your data models after having already generated the workbooks, the recommended approach is to run the Create Data Loading Workspace tool again, against your modified source and target datasets, and create a new separate Data Loading Workspace that you can use to compare the changes and implement them in your workbooks.