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Types of Maps for Animals examples to share ?

08-08-2024 08:26 AM
Honored Contributor


I am seeking an examples of maps that can help me think what to map a wildlife animal I am working on. It is one type of animal a biologist is working on and wanted me to make a map for him.

They can be from ESRI Maps online, Story telling Maps,  etc.

While I understand some of them are restricted to share.

Location is in Southeast Colorado, Southwest Kansas area .

Thank you !


Edit : I have included here is that I went to my agency office and obtain 6 books of ESRI  Map Book

Volumes 11 ,12,15, 17, 25 and a Mapping the future  of America's National Parks.

There is another one that comes from ESRI too  chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

They are all old but ...

It helps to see what kind of maps that others have done...



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2 Replies
by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor
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Honored Contributor

No.  Thanks ! I'll take a look at it

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