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Tools & Tips: Review Your Badges

11-17-2023 07:02 AM
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Esri Community Manager
3 7 827

Esri Community’s Tools & Tips series provides a power-packed serving of “How-To” every month. These micro-sized guides make it easy to level up your platform knowledge and get more out of Esri Community.

The value: Earning badges is a fun, motivating way to measure participation in Esri Community by demonstrating how much a member has accomplished. Badges are displayed in one profile location where members can not only see those they’ve already collected, but also those that remain to be earned and the criteria to achieve them.    

How to do it: While logged in, click on your profile image and select ‘My Profile’ from the resulting dropdown. From your profile, select ‘View All Badges Earned’ in the top right corner. Grayed out badges indicate those not yet achieved while full color badges are those you have earned. Clicking on a badge reveals the criteria required to receive it.

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Process for reviewing badges

Keep in mind: While members can see the criteria required to achieve a given badge, there isn’t a built-in indicator of how close to achieving that badge they may be. Additionally, there’s a special hidden badge which doesn’t appear in one’s profile at all until earned.

Interested in seeing which badges others have earned? Badges are a public part of every member's account and you can visit anyone's profile to view their achievements.

About the Author
I'm a Community Manager focused on Engagement & Content here at Esri. My guiding ethos is that community — people coming together around shared purpose, demonstrating collective support, and collaborating in mutually beneficial ways — is the most powerful source for progress in the world. I'm at your service as we make great things happen through GIS.