Esri Community Update: MVP Roles & Criteria

12-21-2023 06:00 AM
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Esri Community Manager
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Esri Community’s MVP program continues to be among the most impactful user-driven programs within the Esri Community platform. Through this program, a small but elite group of Community members play a tremendous role in connecting others with answers to their questions, demonstrating behaviors that define the best Esri Community can be, and frequently provides input that helps shape the future of the Esri Community platform.

To foster  growth within the MVP program and support its contributing members, we’ve updated two of its core components. Note that new MVP program criteria go into effect on January 1, 2024.

New MVP Roles Added

In addition to the standard MVP role, two more program roles have been added: MVP Alum and MVP Emeritus. Members whose accounts are granted either of these roles will have a unique purple pill beside their username, making it easy to identify their status in posts or replies. Role definitions:

MVP | An active MVP member who meets the current criteria and makes continuous valuable contributions.

MVP Alum ​| A former MVP member who continues to participate in Esri Community outside of MVP criteria, but is recognized for their historic contributions.

MVP Emeritus​ | An honorary title earned by an MVP member who has retired from their longstanding contributions, and is recognized for their outstanding impact.

Criteria to Maintain MVP Status Updated

Members who participate in the MVP program will be expected to meet certain thresholds for participation in Esri Community on an annual basis. These updated criteria are designed to ensure that the MVP status reflects the ongoing commitment and engagement of our top contributors. New criteria:

  • Complete and upkeep Esri Community profiles (bio/avatar/location info in settings – minimum of state/country)
  • Subscribe, follow, and participate in the Community MVP Group
  • Provide feedback to the Esri Community Team on future developments, strategy, and content
  • Engagement with the Esri Community Team, either through MVP Group, in-person events, MVP virtual meetings, Member Spotlights, or moderation
  • Add valuable contributions in the Community (for the calendar year) at a minimum:
    • 20 replies authored AND at least
    • 20 solutions authored, or 30 kudos received

*All criteria is assessed at Community Managers’ discretion (meaning if an MVP doesn't meet criteria but has made an impact in Community, this gets credited towards their standings).

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We truly appreciate the incredible dedication and contributions MVPs voluntarily bring to Esri Community. We believe these updates will foster a stronger sense of Community, recognition, and investment within the MVP program.

To learn more about the Esri Community MVP program, see our Help Document: Esri Community MVP Program – About & Requirements

Occasional Contributor

I think I have a few years before I can even imagine being an MVP.  Hopefully, someday, it can happen.  For now, I will be very thankful for current MVPs. 

Esri Community Manager

Even if you think it may take a while, having that aspiration will no doubt serve you well, @DerekBernard. One of the best things you can do in that effort is share the knowledge you're acquiring by helping answer others' questions here in Esri Community as you're able to. It's not only a great way to stand out as a helpful, informed Esri user, but we often hear that answering others' questions helps those individuals look at problems from different angles and improve their own skills in the process. All the best!

MVP Regular Contributor

@JesseCloutier said:

answering others' questions helps those individuals look at problems from different angles and improve their own skills in the process.

Indeed! Sometimes the best way to learn something is to teach it.

Esri Regular Contributor

I'm happy to announce that I have a new MVP rank in Esri Community today. I am glad that my contribution to the community's activities was noticed and appreciated.

It took about 2 years to achieve that. I totally agree with @JesseCloutier and @BlakeTerhune thoughts.

By subscribing to your favorite groups you can to know:

- what are colleagues doing around a world using Esri products;

- what challenges they face;

- how their issues could be solved;

- different approaches for same task.

These knowledges can improve your work performance. Sometimes in my work I had faced issues about them I have read some time ago in posts or colleagues from community have the same issues as I had in my projects and I can share my experience. Your knowledge can improve someone else works performance too.



Esri Community Manager

Well said, @GKmieliauskas, and many congratulations on becoming one of our newest Esri Community MVPs!

New Contributor III

I think the MVP program is a great way to keep members engaged.   Thank you for recognizing these members of the community.

Esri Community Manager

The MVPs certainly do a lot here in Esri Community, @GoWest, including inspiring others to engage in the conversations found here!

About the Author
I'm a Community Manager focused on Engagement & Content here at Esri. My guiding ethos is that community — people coming together around shared purpose, demonstrating collective support, and collaborating in mutually beneficial ways — is the most powerful source for progress in the world. I'm at your service as we make great things happen through GIS.