Our company just switched to Egnyte. We did some pre testing on large projects and had issues and initially they were going to set up local server to cache data, but did not. So it wants to cache on your local box (which is cleared on reboot). Testing was slow and FGDB sync had issues.
Now that we are live my conclusion is IT'S TERRIBLE! I have a file that has a large image in it from local city. First time opening project on Egnyte it took 1 1/2 hours to open. Trying again this morning and after an hour the aerial is still not drawing.
I have also found that some layers did not draw. When I went back and tried to add data and browse to the FGDB and select the layer to add again to the project it still did not draw. Suspecting the data was corrupted when it was copied from old system to Egnyte I copied the FGDB local and all layers opened fine.
Our CAD folks are also experiencing long opening times on files that have large background images.
Because of cloud storage you need BIG Time band with. Our office is 100mbps and that is not enough for large files.
For GIS I am afraid to even think of trying a large Raster Project on Egnyte.
Google searched and found this on Egnyte : https://helpdesk.egnyte.com/hc/en-us/articles/201637074-Unsupported-Characters-and-File-Types
On it's website they do not play well with database files.