Steps on how to update and share AMIs in AWS

10-15-2020 05:51 PM

Steps on how to update and share AMIs in AWS

This document shows how to update existing AMIs without creating new ones. Please see steps in attachment.  

Occasional Contributor

This is looks helpful.

Esri Contributor

Some context around what Liran posted here (back in 2020)
We have a 10.7.1 site that was built using AWS Cloud Formation, but with templates customised pretty heavily, based on the Esri supplied templates.
Our templates built a HA CF stack split across multiple tiers. We took the original Esri supplied AMI and recreated individual AMIs for each of Portal, Server and Data Store (removing the software we didn't want - such as SQL Server, and Desktop). These AMIs are referenced in the custom CF templates and in the Autoscaling configuration.

The result is a set of streamlined VMs. We have setup a work practice with this customer that the AMIs get updated (using the process in this document) each time Patching occurs. This is a bit of overhead, but required to ensure that as VMs are deployed in future (including any Auto-scale event) the new VM is up to date in patching and available rapidly.

At 10.9.+ we have some great new templates that will build multi-tier - using an AMI provided by the user - and if Esri software is already installed on the AMI, the CHEF scripting will recognise that and not download and reinstall.

And there is a new CF template that will build a custom AMI, downloading & installing the requested software (

That is great - but, it won't automatically patch the  deployed software.
So, we will still need to maintain our AMIs with regular updates - particularly to have auto-scaling work effectively and ensure all VMs in an ArcGIS Site are at the same patch level.

@DavidCordes - what do you think?

Version history
Last update:
‎10-15-2020 05:51 PM
Updated by:
Anonymous User