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Uploading an image to Spy Glass/Swipe

05-11-2016 12:19 PM
New Contributor II

I am trying to upload a geo-referenced .tif image to My Content so I can use it in a Spy Glass/Swipe Story Map. I go to "Add Item" and select "From my Computer" to bring up the "Item from my computer" interface. I choose my file but repeatedly get the "This file type is not supported" error message. Is this a bug or should I go about uploading an image into a Story Map a different way?

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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Julio,

The Story Map Swipe/Spyglass app only supports web maps. To use your TIFF you'll have to publish it as an image service or map service using ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro. You can then add your service to a web map and then add the web map to the Swipe app.


Owen Evans
Lead Product Engineer | StoryMaps
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