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Fatal error: Invalid configuration (web map or application identifier not specified)

01-30-2014 07:53 AM
New Contributor
I followed this page step-by-step, and unfortunately, it didn't work.

The goal for the assignment is to have the story map template work. Here's a link to my gallery on my portfolio website. Scroll all the way down and click on "ArcGIS Online map", an orange box

The error will appear, and I am not sure how to fix it. Could it be a file placement issue?
I attached my index.html (which is like the readme.pdf from the storytelling template Git-hub page).

The story map does work just fine in the online application. I am able to make an iframe on my website, and it work just like it should.

I hope I have been clear enough. Thanks for the help!
23 Replies
New Contributor III

Right, but I think the code from this repository is broken since I can easily configure other Story map templates with the same map id...

Please check the code here:

Esri/map-tour-storytelling-template-js · GitHub

However, this one is easily configured and deployed:

Why are they different?

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Regular Contributor II

Ok good, you have the good one. One is for user that just want simple configuration and the other for developers, see Esri/map-tour-storytelling-template-js · GitHub

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Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Andy,

In the time that has passed since your question about the Zoo Babies app the Story Maps Team has released a new version of the Story Map Series template that supports the "bulleted" layout of the Zoo Babies story. You can find more information here.


Owen Evans
Lead Product Engineer | StoryMaps
New Contributor III
Hi Gregory,

Yep that worked.

Many thanks
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