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Cascade Map (ArcGIS Server map images) - Health Report

02-09-2017 08:53 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am attempting to add features to the story map cascade with an ArcGIS Server map image link (Operations allowed->Map box checked only).  As I need to limit viewing of features to certain scales when made public.   However, the template is giving me Health Report errors when I add the map to the app and I get no information there.  I am not sure if it because it being recognized as a group layer or what?   I am adding it by a mapserver link as individual layers are not working.  

Is there a way to get this working or is it a limitation of the Cascade beta?

EDIT:  Ok so it is recognizing the group layer after creating a new App template instead of the existing one I was using.    Not sure why.  All the layers are together though.  Now if I could only grab the individual layers MapServer/0 /1 /2, but it just says cannot be added to the map.


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Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Brian -- I'm not quite sure how things are being added in your story. Do you have a configurable app (like Basic Viewer) that you are embedding in Cascade or is the web map going directly into Cascade? Could you share a link to your story?


Owen Evans
Lead Product Engineer | StoryMaps
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