Hello, I am a county GIS technician that is making a series of large and small scale reference map for my county sheriffs department. As you know making a reference map from scratch that is legible is difficult.
Are there any out of the box label groups and symbology groups online that can help me produce a boiler plate map fairly quickly with our internal data? I find this symbology provided with Archie Pro to okay but I not quite up to the standard I am looking for.
I am trying not to spend the rest of my life adjusting drawing order and street and roads symbologies and making fine-tune adjustments to labels.
I am in the United States, and I have very common things that need to be mapped like state, land, state forest, interstates, state, highways, major roads, minor roads, campgrounds, small towns, large towns, etc. Surely there’s a cartographer out there smarter than I that has their symbology and labels dialed in and has shared it.