Hi all.
I'm using calcite-components@v1.0.0-beta.59
I like the type ahead capability of a combobox but have noticed that when it's used within a modal, the combobox items do not fully display. They are covered by the modal. If I use a select instead, the select list displays on top of the modal.
I attached two pics for reference.
Any ideas about how to render the combox items on top of the modal?
Hi @RobStauder,
Sorry for the belated reply. I logged an bug for this issue, I'll let you know once it is resolved.
I'm still experiencing this using the React library. Is there an option I'm missing?
Combobox needs the overlayPositioning property set to "fixed", similar to https://codepen.io/geospatialem/pen/QWJVZEJ. If your use case varies from the Codepen, could you put together a Code Sandbox for us to troubleshoot?
Thanks Ben.