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Risk and Hazard Data - ArcGIS Online Content

07-02-2014 07:58 PM
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As we head into the Fourth of July weekend, the US has risk mapping issues on both coasts. In the West California is going to speed up its quake fault mapping program based on increasing transparency and scrutiny partly led by the Los Angeles Times which has an excellent report here California acts to speed up quake fault mapping - Los Angeles Times

After a couple of decades in which budgets were cuts and the public’s attention to earthquake risk slipped, this important issue is back on the table for local governments, real estate developers, home owners, schools and the general public. And that’s a good thing. Earthquake faults and other public hazard data are readily available on ArcGIS Online and Esri supports open data initiatives that deliver live, near real-time and historic data for all business sectors and organizations. A subset can be found here:

Which  brings me to Tropical Storm Arthur which is threatening East Coast celebrations as I write this. , see a BBC report at

Much of the same data that international news organizations, first responders, planners and local forecasters use is available to ALL Esri users and it comes from authoritative sources too. This is easily integrated into analysis services in ArcGIS Online, desktop or any of the tools, templates and applications that come with Esri’s Location Platform. From supply chain risk analysis to modeling potential losses in insurance, estimating flooding or trying to see if my 4th July barbeque is going to be rained out, ArcGIS Online is a great starting point.

There’s a great many places to start and resources to get you going, So go on take the time to explore ArcGIS Online, you never know what you might find.

About the Author
I soldered my first computer and learnt assembler so I could make full use of what I'd built. 35 years later it feels like we are doing the same with data in business. If geo is the answer then we need more People and Process focus than just technology when we discuss KPIs.