Keep old field value from prior year

01-08-2021 12:21 PM
New Contributor III

It would be nice if we had a Attribute Rule to grab a old field value and populate another field then update the fields. Example, Storm water billing we have current total billed field and a Old bill field. Our rates change year to year. It would be nice to have a calculation rule that once the Rate Change field changed the Old Bill field would grab the Total billed field  value and then run the rest of the calculations with the newer values.  

1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Thanks for the idea @sjet1010 

If I am understanding you correctly, this should be possible using attribute rules as they are currently implemented.  Are you still encountering a need for this enhancement?  If so, would you be able to lay out which particular piece of your workflow is not possible in the current software?