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Add option to delete attribute rules when exporting feature classes

11-08-2021 06:52 AM
Status: Closed
Frequent Contributor

We primarily use ArcGIS Pro with attribute rules to automate functions in our data, like creating unique IDs and performing spatial calculations.  But we have some legacy programs that still require using ArcMap, which doesn't support feature classes with attribute rules.  It would be great if there was an option in the Environment tab when performing a Feature Class to Feature Class or Feature Class to Geodatabase, to delete the attribute rules.  Currently I'm using Model Builder to remove the attribute rules, but you have to do so one feature class at a time.


Moderator Note

This functionality is accessible using the Export Features geoprocessing tool.


Good suggestion, I was going to recommend you take it to 

Over here though they say that GP FC to FC actually strips attribute rules, which seems to be want you want.  I just used it to copy a FC from one enterprise GDB to another, and confirm attribute rules were not copied.  I don't see any switch in there I might have toggled but it seems to do the job you're asking. 


I have a script that regularly copies our parcel feature class from our parcel fabric from our editing database into a separate enterprise Geodatabase that users access for viewing parcels. Unfortunately, it also copies over the attribute rules which give you a big error message any time you are looking at the Attributes window in ArcGIS Pro on the newly copied layer:


Gong from sde to file geodatabase apparently renames the Shape_Area field to Shape.STArea() for some reason. I don't really care about that, but our attribute rule that automatically calculates the acreage does. That rule is not necessary on the copy of the parcel data, however, because the calculation has already been done by the time it reaches that point. To my knowledge, there is no way to exclude attribute rules when exporting it. You have to run a second tool "Delete Attribute Rule" after the fact. That seems pointlessly complicated when there are already environment settings that allow for similar things to be controlled when exporting. I would imagine just a simple checkbox that allows you to exclude attribute rules from the export is all it would take. 



@AndrewQuee I know this is an old post, but I can confirm that FC to FC does NOT strip out attribute rules. I am having this exact same problem right now. 


Glad to see recent activity on this. If you are only after the features in the class and do not need to edit, would something like the export features GP tool suit your needs?  This would not bring attribute rules along. 

Since attribute rules are part of the schema, turning them off can cause knock-on effects.


I just tested using the Export Features tool, and it exported without the attribute rules.


Thanks! 👍

Status changed to: Closed

Awesome!  Glad we could get a solution for you, @JoshSaad1 


@SSWoodward can you please show the Export Features options for removing attribute rules? This does not seem to exist on my end. ArcGIS Pro 3.1. These options or environments are also NOT shown on the documentation page for Export Features tool.


@SSWoodward  Out of curiosity, why was this changed to Closed instead of Already Offered?