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ToolBar Tabs and the North Arrow

08-26-2015 07:28 AM
New Contributor

Hello GeoNet community!

I am very new to the ArcPad platform and I have three quesitions about ArcPad 10.2. The first is, Can I get rid of the tabs for the toolbars and just have all of the tool bars present like in ArcPad 7.0? I understand that the reason for this is to optimize screen space on mobile platforms but we deploy to laptops and this is not an issue. My next questions is, how do I disable the north arrow from prompting the gps to activate? I just want the simple north arrow without it being interactive. My last question is about how upgrading ArcPad works. If I have arcpad 10.1 and want to go to ArcPad 10.2, is there an upgrade option? or do I need to remove the old version entirely and then install the new version as recommended in ESRI's documentation. I am just looking for clarification on this one. Thank you very much in advance for your time and help!



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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Hola Justin,

I took the three questions you posted, and looked to address them for you. I am not on the ArcPad development team, I am in Support Services, I hope my responses help. Gracias, Justin!

1. Looking to get rid of the tabs for the the toolbars and just have all of the toolbars in ArcPad 7

This looks to be hard-coded into ArcPad 10.0+

2. How to disable the north arrow from prompting the GPS to be Active

I am not seeing this within ArcPad 10.0+

3. If you have a previous version of Arcpad, and want to upgrade to the latest version

I would suggest a uninstall of the previous version on the PC, and a reinstall of the latest version on the PC. If you are looking to perform this on a mobile device, I would suggest a factory reset on the device, if you have any other software’s on the device. I would suggest having them available to re-deploy back onto the device, after the upgrade of ArcPad.


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New Contributor


Thank you for your answer. I have not seen a way to change or modify these aspects of the software, thank you for confirming this. I do have an additional question if you do not mind. I have a preference file that I would like all of my users to have as a standard. Is there a way that I could configure ArcPad10.2 to have those settings without using a preference file? I greatly appreciate your help. Thank you.



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