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Problems checking in ArcPad data

08-16-2011 04:57 PM
New Contributor II
We're evaluating ArcPad 10.0.2 with intentions to purchase it for our project. We have 7.0 versions, but they won't work with ArcGIS 10, so we are in the process of upgrading our versions.

In order to evaluate it, we were willing to put up with the 20 minute time out. We created an ArcGIS 10 project file that included the features and attributes that we wanted to capture in the field. Then in ArcGIS 10, I used the ArcPad Data manager and the "Get Data For ArcPad" tool to create the project file and data for our field work. This all seemed to go OK.

We are using a Panasonic Toughbook running Windows XP as our ArcPad device coupled with a Trimble GPS unit. I copied the ArcPad folder with the data created by the ArcPad Data manager to a local folder on the Toughbook, disconnected it from the network and when I opened the ArcPad project file, everything looked good, so out to the field we went. The data capture function in the field appeared to go OK. We can saw points and attributes.

The problem occurs when I try to import the data back into the ArcGIS project file. I copied all the *.axf and *.log files form the Toughbook to the server. I then opened my ArcGIS project file, started the Editor and selected the personal geodatabase that had the features I wanted to store my datga in. I ran the "Get Data From ArcPad", selected my apm file and asked it import the data. When I was finished, I opened the attribute table and the attribute data looked good. When I did a zoom to layer I went to 0,0 with no points displayed. I saved my edits opened the attribute table, created and X and Y field and tried to calculate the coordinate values. No luck.

When I went to try it again, I noticed that ArcPad was smart enough to realize that I had imported the data before, so there wasn't anything to import again. Double ouch. Not only didn't I get any geometry, I couldn't even try to import the data again. Fortunately I found out that recopying the files from the Toughbook solved this problem, but repeated attempts yielded the same results, good attributes with no geometry.

I'm trying to determine if this is a limitation of the demo version, will this correct itself when I get my license number? Is all this data trash? Did I copy the wrong files to the server? Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?
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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Hi Bruce,

Please drop a zipped copy of this checkout folder on our FTP.  I will take a look at it and let you know what I find.
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Frequent Contributor
Hi Bruce,

Please drop a zipped copy of this checkout folder on our FTP.  I will take a look at it and let you know what I find.

1)     Go to (using Windows Explorer)
2)     Go to File > Login As and Login using �??esri_customer�?� and password "esri_custFTP" (no quotes).
3)     Create a new folder named "Bruce.Davidson" and upload your files
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Frequent Contributor
I loaded all of your AXF layers into ArcPad and the bulk of your data has appropriate geometry but I also noticed a handful of features plotted at 0,0.

They occur in WaterMeter, RegulatorStation, GasValve and GasMeter.

I'm not sure how the features were created, but I have a suspicion that they are the cause of your checkin errors.  Please try removing them in ArcPad on the desktop and checking in again.  This should cause both the geometry and attributes of the rest of the data to be synchronized successfully.
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MVP Notable Contributor

I've found the whole AXF root personally a bit flakey and have in the past lost data with it corrupting itself and refusing to check data back in. One silver lining is that ArcPad studio can now export the contents to a shapefile. So if your checking in is bombing out for what ever reason you can potentially recover the data from the AXF file by exporting it to a Shapefile. This will presumably negate any useful checking in/out you did.  To export to shapefile open the AXF database in ArcStudio, expand the FeatureLayers and right click on the Layer and choose export...

I think this has been a very useful and life saving addition to ArcStudio.

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