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No TSIP Protocol option in ArcPad 10.0 GPS Preferences

04-25-2011 08:46 AM
New Contributor
Using a new Juno SC with new install of ArcPad 10.0.  Have a need to connect the Juno to my Trimble Pro XH. option exists in ArcPad to select the TSIP protocol in GPS Preferences.  I am only offered NMEA and SIRF.  What happened to TSIP?
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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Which version are you running? I just loaded 10.0.2 on my PC and TSIP shows up in this version.
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New Contributor
Intersting...TSIP was available on the version installed on my PC, but not the Juno.

Using Version 10.0 (Build 55) (I see that I need to download an ugrade already).  However, I was able to solve this today.  Very simple solution.  Found in Advanced Settings/Extensions that TSIP was not "checked" on.  Been a long-time arcPad 6 and 7 user for years and I'd never had to do this in those previous versions of ArcPad.
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Occasional Contributor II
Have you checked that TSIP is activated on the extension tab in advanced settings?

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New Contributor
Have you checked that TSIP is activated on the extension tab in advanced settings?


ThankYou Rolf.  That is the solution.
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