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Modifying ArcPad10 Edit Forms

12-20-2010 06:30 AM
Occasional Contributor
I was wondering if anyone had determined a way to control the default edit forms that are created during check-out using ArcPad Data Manager.  We have multiple files we are using during our field work, with various domains associated with each form.  The problem is that the default forms created each time with check-out are two small, and the domain descriptions can not be read, making them unusable.  I have figured out hom to change these forms in ArcPad Studio using the created AXF file, but not how to save the modified Edit Forms for later use with a new AXF file from check-out.  We are looking for a way to keep from having to modify all of the Edit Forms after every check-in/check-out from our database.

Any help with either of these issues would be great.  Thanks!
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2 Replies
Regular Contributor
Here's what I would recommend:

Get one of your AXF files looking / behaving exactly how you like it.
Next time you go to check out, on the screen where you are selecting the different options for the layers (Check out for disconnected editing / background layer / etc) there is a white checkbox on the right side of the window. If you click it, it'll open a browse interface.
Browse to the .AXF file with the forms / scripts all set up how you like it, open it, and it will then open another window where you'll select (from within the AXF you just selected) the layer whose forms you want to use.

So for instance, if you have five layers you want to do disconnected editing on, and modify 5 layers' forms in the AXF file, you'd see five layers listed. Just match them up with the appropriate layer as you use the check boxes. This will force the forms / scripts you use in the "customized" AXF file to be used on those layers every time. The checkout process will remember the AXF you specified, and always use those forms until you change it.

Good luck!
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Esri Regular Contributor
Eric is correct, in the Select Data panel of Get Data For ArcPad wizard you will want to check the Layer Definition Template checkbox located far-right of the panel for selected layer. See screenshot and review Help documentation for additional information,


Layer Definition Template 
When checked, the Open Layer  dialog is displayed allowing you to choose an existing Layer Definition from a  shapefile or ArcPad AXF file to be used as a template. This allows you to re-use  forms, scripts, icons, and other layer definition elements.
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