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Increase Status Bar Size On ArcPad

05-25-2012 10:42 AM
New Contributor
I'd like to increase the status bar size on ArcPad for my Juno Trimble 3B, but can't seem to figure out how. For example, my status bar currently has UTM coordinates of 729584.13 and 3656745.3. I can't see the last few digits because the bar is too small. I found some older forum discussion for ArcPad 7 and 8, but can't seem to make those work. I'm relatively new to ArcPad and ArcGIS, and have no experience with scripting, so the more detailed response, the better!

Thank you!
Jakob Sedig
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Occasional Contributor II
Hi there...

You can adjust the status bar's width by open up your ArcPad.apx file in ArcPad Studio.
Then add a VBScript to your apx, and then add the following code to your VBScript:

Option Explicit
If StatusBar.Width(1) < 150 Then
 StatusBar.Width(1) = 150
End If

Note that:
0 = first pane (text pane)
1 = second pane (coordinate pane)
2 = third pane (scale pane)
3 = fourth pane (rocker mode pane)
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