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Blank domain feilds when i export to Background Shapefile Editable data

06-14-2012 12:52 PM
New Contributor II
Every time i export features (Background Shapefile Editable data) to ArcPad10.03(Build 33) I get blank drop downs where domains would be used. It will not let me even complete the edit.

How do i get my domains to export correctly to the fields.
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Regular Contributor

DOMAINS are a geodatabase feature and as such, can only be properly translated into an AXF (think of it as an ArcPad mini-geodatabase) - not a shapefile 😞

If you want to include a drop-down list of values for your shapefiles there are a couple of options:

If you only have a few values in your domain, you can use ArcPad to build a QuickForm with drop-down lists for your shapefile. Simply list your values separated by a comma in the selected field on the Controls page of the QuickForm dialog.

If you have lots of values - you should list them in a table and then associate the to the shapefile field using the Forms Editor in ArcPad Studio.

Both of these techniques are well documented in the ArcPad Help.

- Hannah
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