Hello -
Have got a program that tries to perform a "Find Connected" trace on a network starting on a edge on which an edge flag has been placed and bounded by a set of edge barriers. It consistently fails at this line:
tfs.FindFlowElements(esriFlowMethod.esriFMConnected, edgeElements, out junctionEIDs, out edgeEIDs);
With this error message:
+ $exception {"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."} System.Exception {System.AccessViolationException}
where tfs is a ITraceFlowSolverGEN
Barriers are set on edges where an intersection is found between a selected polygon graphic and a line feature and the origin flag is set on the longest line feature found inside the polygon. The method where the trace is attempted is "ExecuteTrace." The full C# class is attached.
I should also say that on occasion the trace has not failed, however its returned results that are the inverse of what I expected -- that is, everything OUTSIDE the polygon is traced when I thought everything INSIDE the polygon would be.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
Found the problem. I was not getting the value for UserSubID correctly when setting barriers and flags. When corrected the routine now works fine.