The application is not licensed Error !!!

07-26-2011 02:25 AM
New Contributor
I have a problem when i try to create feature dataset using with arcGIS 10 SP2. i get this error:

"The application is not licensed to create or modify schema for this type of data"

any idea, how to resolve this?
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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

do you programm an Add-In or a Stand-Alone application?
I had some problems in the past with the license initializing.
May this helps:

In my case the license initializer helped me:

I think the background was, that altough I implemented the application as Add-In instead of an external .exe, it was not able to read ArcMaps license so I had to bind it explicit.

An other thought was that you may not have activated an extension which you are using. I know you're talking about licensing and it's only to create a feature class, but 'was only a thought.

I wonder that you get an exception saying to that there's a licens problem.
I remember that in my case I always get the exception that my features are not z-aware. But the problem was the license... huuu?!

Good Luck
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New Contributor
thank you,

i used this code & it fixed it:

   'Add runtime management

        'Initialize the application.
        Dim licenseStatus As esriLicenseStatus = esriLicenseStatus.esriLicenseUnavailable
        Dim m_AoInitialize As IAoInitialize = New AoInitializeClass()
        licenseStatus = m_AoInitialize.Initialize(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeArcInfo)
        licenseStatus = m_AoInitialize.CheckOutExtension(esriLicenseExtensionCode.esriLicenseExtensionCodeSpatialAnalyst)
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