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05-09-2011 09:47 AM
Regular Contributor II
Hopefully someone has a solution to this...

ESRI has this cool ability for Shared Addins, using a server path for example within an organization.
Unfortunately, once the machine is un-plugged from that network, the path, along with all the tools are removed... this causes issues for Laptop users as well as the odd network glitch (if it happens during arc startup / shutdown)

The ability to plug into the network with, lets say a laptop, have the most recent tools through the shared addin, unplug, go to a meeting somewhere else, utilize those tools, then get any updates once plugged back into the network seems ideal and care free for the user. Otherwise, its drag all the files over, repath addisn to that folder, once back at office, remove path, re-path to other, open arc, close arc to set the latest addins in place.

Except for that cool part where ESRI decided to have the Addin REMOVE everything, INCLUDING the folder path in the Options tab of the addin manager if the path is no longer there, I like addins otherwise.

Am I missing something?

Currently using Editor 10.0 Build 3200 on most machines.

I guess just another custom program to be made...
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6 Replies
New Contributor III
Mike, this is a really good point.

I imagine the current behavior is to allow administrators to easily remove shared Add-Ins. But your use-case really brings up the problem with it.

I think there needs to be an additional setting, such as "Allow offline use of Shared Add-Ins." Maybe even have that setting on a per-shared-folder basis. That way administrators could allow which Add-Ins could be used offline.

However, my understanding of how Add-Ins load may mean this could be a non-trivial change. It looks to me that when ArcMap starts up it dynamically unzips each .esriaddin file it finds. For .net Add-ins, everything in the "install" folder -- which includes the DLL and any sub-folders -- gets copied to the local user's esri assembly cache, from which it will execute. But the Config.xml and images don't seem to get written anywhere -- just used in memory. So, for shared Add-Ins, there isn't enough information persisted to load them when disconnected.

Overall, I like the Add-In concept too. But I hope ESRI will refine and enhance their framework.

I can't think of a workaround that doesn't defeat the whole purpose of having shared Add-Ins -- easy management. I can imagine a separate utility application that would do the following:

1. Read the config file that holds paths to shared Add-Ins.
    (C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ESRI\Desktop10.0\AddInFoldersList.xml on Win7)
2. Attempt to make local copies of Add-Ins on those paths.
3. If one is unreachable, add the path to the local copies of the unreachable Add-Ins to the config. (otherwise remove the path, if necessary).
4. Launch ArcMap.

-Jeff H
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by Anonymous User
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Take a look at the OS feature 'offline files' in xp, vista or win7.
It works well with this workflow.
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
Take a look at the OS feature 'offline files' in xp, vista or win7.
It works well with this workflow.

Thanks for posting that, Sean! Very helpful.

-Jeff H
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Regular Contributor II
Both great ideas! and complement each other for full automation.
Modify the xml or better yet, thanks Sean!  Very slick OS feature.
Thank you both!

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor II
Both great ideas! and complement each other for full automation.
Modify the xml or better yet, thanks Sean!  Very slick OS feature.
Thank you both!


Full solution was creating an exe that did everything.  Modifying the machines xml for addin folder path as well as using the folder2.self.verbs.item(i).DoIt() on the network path to initialize offline caching. (looking for the "Always &available offline" of course... for the integer value)
works slick, one click... everyone is happy.
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New Contributor III

It is easy to set up Windows 7 so that Addins are used by ArcMap (tested against Desktop 10.3.1). I tested by pointing arcmap at a network folder using the Add-In Manger while I was online. Also loaded up some Addin toolbars from that folder.

This web site goes through the steps of setting a folder for off-line use.


Map a drive with the Addins directory. Our users already have a mapped drive

Go  to and set the directory top of the folder with the addins Right click select "always available online"

There was no need to explicitly set Folder redirection. The Arcmap request for the Addin folder got moved to the local cache automatically and made available all the addins.

Set up auto sync if you want updates to come through automatically. I tested  that updates worked after doing a manual sync.

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