i am trying to migrate VB.net Code from AG 9.3 to AG 10.
In AG 9.3 this Code worked for setting the label options for the DisplayField of a FeatueLayer (it was set as the label field for the labels):
aoiFeatureLayer.DisplayField = "w_Dat_Flurstueck.FlurNr] & ""/"" & [w_Dat_Flurstueck.FlurNr2"
In AG 10 this code is not working anymore.
I found this new Way to set an expression to the DisplayField:
Dim pDEP As IDisplayExpressionProperties
Dim pIDS As IDisplayString
pIDS = aoiFeatureLayer
pDEP = pIDS.ExpressionProperties
pDEP.Expression = "[w_Dat_Flurstueck.FlurNr] & ""/"" & [w_Dat_Flurstueck.FlurNr2]"
The Problem i am having, is that the exrpession for the layer is only set to the (new) Display Field in the Display Tab in the properties of the layer but not to the Label Field in the Labels Tab. Here is still the standard Field as Label Field.
Is there a different way to set the Label Field for the Labels?
Thanks for helping.