You have to define an output parameter in the ParameterInfo array of your GP tool, then set the value of that output parameter in the Execute() method. I've included a small code sample below:
// This is the location where the parameters to the Function Tool are defined.
// This property returns an IArray of parameter objects (IGPParameter).
// These objects define the characteristics of the input and output parameters.
public IArray ParameterInfo
//Array to the hold the parameters
IArray parameters = new ArrayClass();
//Input DataType is GPStringType
IGPParameterEdit3 inputParameter = new GPParameterClass();
inputParameter.DataType = new GPStringTypeClass();
// Default Value object is GPString
inputParameter.Value = new GPStringClass();
// Set Input Parameter properties
inputParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput;
inputParameter.DisplayName = "Station ID";
inputParameter.Name = "stationid";
inputParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired;
//Out DataType is GPStringType
IGPParameterEdit3 outputParameter = new GPParameterClass();
outputParameter.DataType = new GPStringTypeClass();
// Default Value object is GPString
outputParameter.Value = new GPStringClass();
// Set Output Parameter properties
outputParameter.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionOutput;
outputParameter.DisplayName = "Output";
outputParameter.Name = "output";
outputParameter.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeDerived;
return parameters;
... and then
// Execute: Execute the function given the array of the parameters
public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages message)
bool success = false;
// Get the first Input Parameter
IGPParameter inputParameter = (IGPParameter)paramvalues.get_Element(0);
// UnPackGPValue. This ensures you get the value either form the dataelement or GpVariable (ModelBuilder)
IGPValue inputValue = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(inputParameter);
// input station ID
string inputStringValue = inputValue.GetAsText();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputStringValue))
success = true;
if (!success)
message.AddError(2, "An error occurred during the test.");
message.AddMessage("Test completed successfully!");
// Set the Output Parameter
IGPParameter outputParameter = (IGPParameter)paramvalues.get_Element(1);
IGPString outValue = new GPStringClass();
outValue.Value = "This is my output showing input value of '" + inputStringValue + "'";
m_GPUtilities.PackGPValue((IGPValue)outValue, outputParameter);