Open HTML Popup programmatically

11-09-2012 03:56 PM
New Contributor
I have built a tool that creates an extent and fills in an array based on using an IIdentify object to Identify within that envelope. Normally I take the value from the display field of a layer and open a separate form. But now I want to just open the HTML Popup for that first item in the array. Here is the code I have to that point. Does anyone know how to open the HTML Popup from there? I have the UID and everything, but I'm not sure how to open with that selected item already

        Dim pEnumLayer As IEnumLayer = pDoc.FocusMap.Layers(pId, True)

        'Convert x and y to map units
        Dim pAV As IActiveView = CType(pMap, IActiveView)

        Dim pDT As IDisplayTransformation = pAV.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation

        Dim pPoint As IPoint = pDT.ToMapPoint(x, y)

        Dim pEnv As IEnvelope = pPoint.Envelope

        ' expand the envelope 1/120th of the visible screen width
        pEnv.Expand((pDT.VisibleBounds.Width / 120.0#), (pDT.VisibleBounds.Height / 120.0#), False)

        Dim pIDArray As IArray = pIdentify.Identify(pEnv)

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