I recently figured out how to use the Time tab and Time Slider tool in ArcMap to create a avi file. However, I cannot figure out how to do it programmatically in C#. it would be nice to have the process creating the featureclass & data to dynamically set the time attributes so a user doesn't have to fiddle with the interval, extent, etc. I tried the following, but the cast to ITemporalLayer failed so I'm assuming I'm on the wrong track:
ILayerFile layerFile = new LayerFileClass(); layerFile.Open("template.lyr"); IFeatureLayer featureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)layerFile.Layer; featureLayer.FeatureClass = fc; ITemporalLayer layer = (ITemporalLayer)layerFile.Layer; //Fails here!! layer.TemporalReference.TemporalPeriod = this.intervalInMin; layer.TemporalReference.TemporalPeriodUnits = enumTemporalUnits.enumMinutes;
Basically what I want to do is:
1) Set the 'Layer Time Extent',
2) Set the 'Time Step Interval'
3) Check the 'Display data cumulatevly' option