How to use CefSharp in an Arcmap Add-in

03-01-2017 06:44 PM
New Contributor III

I am attempting to make an add-in for ArcMap that uses an embedded Chrome browser using CefSharp. The project builds successfully but when I try to open the form with the browser I get error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException'
Could not load file or assembly 'CefSharp.Core.dll' or one of its dependencies.

From the CefSharp documentation I have made sure of following: -set to build x86 rather than AnyCPU -Visual Studio C++ redistributables are installed and up to date -using frameword 4.5.2 -checked that all required CefSharp files are in bin

The only other discussion I can find on this is here

I am not familiar with the Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream method or creating a wrapper to preload files. Before going down that rabbit hole wondering if someone else already had a simple solution.

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