Converting a Feature Into a Layer

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06-21-2012 08:11 AM
Occasional Contributor III
If I am looping through a series of features using a featurecursor, how can I create a temporary layer of each feature? I'm planning on using the resulting layer as input to a geoprocessing tool (clip).
Dim pFCursor as IFeatureCursor
Dim pFeature as IFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature
Do Until pFeature is Nothing
    Need to create ILayer object from pFeature here
    pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature
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1 Solution

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New Contributor III
What about setting the definition query of the initial layer using the feature???s  ID and feeding that layer into the clip tool?

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor
One possible solution is to use the CreateSelectionLayer method with IFeatureLayerDefinition interface. First, construct a temporalLayer using the first function; then construct a query Filter for each feature in the loop; and call the second function to create one individual layer per feature.

public ITemporalLayer CreateTemporalLayer(IFeatureClass featureClass, string layerName, string trackIdField, string timeField)
 ITemporalLayer temporalLayer = new TemporalFeatureLayerClass();
 IFeatureLayer featureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)temporalLayer;
 featureLayer.FeatureClass = featureClass;
 featureLayer.Name = layerName;
 ITemporalRenderer temporalRenderer = (ITemporalRenderer)temporalLayer.Renderer;
 temporalRenderer.TemporalObjectColumnName = trackIdField;
 temporalRenderer.TemporalFieldName = timeField;
 temporalRenderer.ShowObservationLegendGroup = true;
 temporalRenderer.ShowTimeLegendGroup = true;
 temporalRenderer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)temporalRenderer;
 return temporalLayer;

private ITemporalLayer CreateLayerSubset(IQueryFilter queryFilter, ITemporalLayer temporalLayer)
 IFeatureSelection featureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)temporalLayer;
 featureSelection.SelectFeatures(queryFilter, esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultNew, false);
 if(featureSelection.SelectionSet.Count == 0)
  throw new NoDataException();
 IFeatureLayerDefinition featureLayerDefinition = (IFeatureLayerDefinition)temporalLayer;
 ITemporalLayer queryResult = (ITemporalLayer)featureLayerDefinition.CreateSelectionLayer(temporalLayer.Name, true, null, null);
 return queryResult;
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New Contributor III
What about setting the definition query of the initial layer using the feature???s  ID and feeding that layer into the clip tool?
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