Convert shapefile to SDE

12-21-2011 09:36 PM
New Contributor
I've tested function ConvertShapefileToFeatureClass() which converts dedicated shapefile to gdb (file geodatabase) and it works very well. As a result of this function, the shapefile were converted into feature class in the file geodatabase.

Now, I want to save the converted shapefile into SDE database (in SQL server). I use the same function and modify the 'targetWsPath' to SDE connection.

Unfortunately an error occured, 'create output feature class failed'.

here i attach my code and the error. really appreciate if someone can tell me what's happening 😞

Public Sub ConvertShapefileToFCSDE()
        Dim aoInitialize As IAoInitialize
        aoInitialize = New AoInitialize


        ' Open the source and target workspaces.
        Dim sourceWorkspacePath As String = "C:\projek peta melaka"

        Dim pProp As IPropertySet = New PropertySet
        Dim wFac As New SdeWorkspaceFactory
        Dim targetWorkspace As IWorkspace

        Dim targetWsPath As String = "Provider=SQLNCLI10;" + _
          "Data Source=" + My.Settings.Server + ";" + _
          "Initial Catalog=" + My.Settings.Database + ";" + _
          "User ID=" + My.Settings.User + ";" + _
          "Password=" + My.Settings.Password + ";"
        pProp.SetProperty("Server", My.Settings.Server)
        pProp.SetProperty("Instance", My.Settings.Instance)
        pProp.SetProperty("Database", My.Settings.Database)
        pProp.SetProperty("User", My.Settings.User)
        pProp.SetProperty("Password", My.Settings.Password)
        pProp.SetProperty("Version", My.Settings.Version)
        targetWorkspace = wFac.Open(pProp, 0)
        WS = targetWorkspace

        'Dim targetWorkspacePath As String = "C:\projek peta melaka\Melaka.gdb"
        Dim sourceWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass()
        Dim targetWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory = New FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass()
        Dim sourceWorkspace As IWorkspace = sourceWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(sourceWorkspacePath, 0)
        'Dim targetWorkspace As IWorkspace = targetWorkspaceFactory.Open(targetWsPath, 0)

        ' Cast the workspaces to the IDataset interface and get name objects.
        Dim sourceWorkspaceDataset As IDataset = CType(sourceWorkspace, IDataset)
        Dim targetWorkspaceDataset As IDataset = CType(targetWorkspace, IDataset)
        Dim sourceWorkspaceDatasetName As IName = sourceWorkspaceDataset.FullName
        Dim targetWorkspaceDatasetName As IName = targetWorkspaceDataset.FullName
        Dim sourceWorkspaceName As IWorkspaceName = CType(sourceWorkspaceDatasetName, IWorkspaceName)
        Dim targetWorkspaceName As IWorkspaceName = CType(targetWorkspaceDatasetName, IWorkspaceName)

        ' Create a name object for the shapefile and cast it to the IDatasetName interface.
        Dim sourceFeatureClassName As IFeatureClassName = New FeatureClassNameClass()
        Dim sourceDatasetName As IDatasetName = CType(sourceFeatureClassName, IDatasetName)
        sourceDatasetName.Name = "tsempdm.shp"
        sourceDatasetName.WorkspaceName = sourceWorkspaceName

        ' Create a name object for the FGDB feature class and cast it to the IDatasetName interface.
        Dim targetFeatureClassName As IFeatureClassName = New FeatureClassNameClass()
        Dim targetDatasetName As IDatasetName = CType(targetFeatureClassName, IDatasetName)
        targetDatasetName.Name = "tsemp"
        targetDatasetName.WorkspaceName = targetWorkspaceName

        ' Open source feature class to get field definitions.
        Dim sourceName As IName = CType(sourceFeatureClassName, IName)
        Dim sourceFeatureClass As IFeatureClass = CType(sourceName.Open(), IFeatureClass)

        ' Create the objects and references necessary for field validation.
        Dim fieldChecker As IFieldChecker = New FieldCheckerClass()
        Dim sourceFields As IFields = sourceFeatureClass.Fields
        Dim targetFields As IFields = Nothing
        Dim enumFieldError As IEnumFieldError = Nothing

        ' Set the required properties for the IFieldChecker interface.
        fieldChecker.InputWorkspace = sourceWorkspace
        fieldChecker.ValidateWorkspace = targetWorkspace

        ' Validate the fields and check for errors.
        fieldChecker.Validate(sourceFields, enumFieldError, targetFields)
        If Not enumFieldError Is Nothing Then
            ' Handle the errors in a way appropriate to your application.
            Console.WriteLine("Errors were encountered during field validation.")
        End If

        ' Find the shape field.
        Dim shapeFieldName As String = sourceFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName
        Dim shapeFieldIndex As Integer = sourceFeatureClass.FindField(shapeFieldName)
        Dim shapeField As IField = sourceFields.Field(shapeFieldIndex)

        ' Get the geometry definition from the shape field and clone it.
        Dim geometryDef As IGeometryDef = shapeField.GeometryDef
        Dim geometryDefClone As IClone = CType(geometryDef, IClone)
        Dim targetGeometryDefClone As IClone = geometryDefClone.Clone()
        Dim targetGeometryDef As IGeometryDef = CType(targetGeometryDefClone, IGeometryDef)

        ' Cast the IGeometryDef to the IGeometryDefEdit interface.
        Dim targetGeometryDefEdit As IGeometryDefEdit = CType(targetGeometryDef, IGeometryDefEdit)

        ' Set the IGeometryDefEdit properties.
        targetGeometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 1
        targetGeometryDefEdit.GridSize_2(0) = 0.75

        ' Create the converter and run the conversion.
        Dim featureDataConverter As IFeatureDataConverter = New FeatureDataConverterClass()
        Dim enumInvalidObject As IEnumInvalidObject = featureDataConverter.ConvertFeatureClass(sourceFeatureClassName, Nothing, Nothing,  targetFeatureClassName, targetGeometryDef, targetFields, "", 1000, 0)

        ' Check for errors.
        Dim invalidObjectInfo As IInvalidObjectInfo = Nothing

        Do While Not (invalidObjectInfo) Is Nothing
            ' Handle the errors in a way appropriate to the application.
            Console.WriteLine("Errors occurred for the following feature: {0}", invalidObjectInfo.InvalidObjectID)
            invalidObjectInfo = enumInvalidObject.Next()

    End Sub
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