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ArcGIS 10 Pre-Release: Visual Studio Express 2008 Integration Issues

06-02-2010 07:35 AM
New Contributor III

I want to try building some new 'add-in' files for ArcGIS 10.

I have installed Visual Basic 2008 Express.  I have also installed the .NET SDK file.  When installing the SDK, I ensured that the Express Integration option was checked.

It appears that the install went well.  When I start a new project I am able to create an ArcMap Add-In.  I am also able to add any of the initial 'Add-In' types.  This is where things go a bit strange....

I am able to add additional components to my project from the ArcGIS Add-Ins Wizard (this includes, buttons, tools, combo boxes, multi-items, extensions, Editor Extensions and Dockable Windows).  When I try to add something from the Add-in Command Bars section in the wizard the only thing I am able to add is a toolbar.  If I try to add a tool pallete, menu or context menu I get an error message saying: "The following selected add-in type(s) cannot be generated due to invalid inputs and or unknown errors".

I am fairly new to developing in .NET so I may be doing somethig wrong here which is causing the error.  Has anyone else come across this issue?  Is this an installation / integration issue?  Is there a way to fix this?  Is there a specific order things need to be installed (ie. VSE 2008 before the SDK or vice versa)?

My other problem is that there is no ArcGIS Snippets available in my projects.  When I right click to insert a snippet of code, I do not get the "ArcGIS Snippet" option in the context menu.  Again is this an installation thing.

I was thinking that maybe it could be a Visual Studio Express thing.... do I need the full version of Visual Studio to get these options running properly?

Sorry for the long winded post.... It's been a long road to figure out how write usable code in VB Express that can be used in ArcGIS.... but the process is even more frustrating when not all the pieces are working properly.

Thanks for your time in advance,

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12 Replies
New Contributor III
Check out this thread and see if it's pertinent to you:

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New Contributor II
Unfortunately, you hit a bug at pre-release where context menu, menu or toolpalette fail to be created using the wizard. It is fixed for final. While waiting for final to be on your machine 🙂 you can add them in the xml file manually. With the help of the xml schema intellisense in Visual Studio, it should be pretty straightforward.

The ArcGIS Snippet related commands are only available on the retail/full edition of Visual Studio only. This hasn't been changed since 9.x.

Hope this helps.
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New Contributor

I need to double-check but I am 99% sure that ArcGIS Snippets are available in VS 2008 Express/ArcGIS 9.3.1

However, ArcGIS Snippets do not appear to be available VS 2008 Express/ArcGIS 10

Why was this removed?
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New Contributor
for Visual Studio Express 2008/ArcGIS 10;
- in VS, click on Tools>Code Snippets Manager
- Click on Add... and browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common 7\IDE\VBExpress\Snippets\ArcObjects
- Click OK and OK
- ArcObjects will now appear in the "Insert Snippet" context menu
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New Contributor
Unfortunately, you hit a bug at pre-release where context menu, menu or toolpalette fail to be created using the wizard. It is fixed for final. While waiting for final to be on your machine 🙂 you can add them in the xml file manually. With the help of the xml schema intellisense in Visual Studio, it should be pretty straightforward.

The ArcGIS Snippet related commands are only available on the retail/full edition of Visual Studio only. This hasn't been changed since 9.x.

Hope this helps.

I have installed last version of ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate today, beacause I wanted to try new features in Add-in model. Everythig goes fine only I have problem to add commandbars. When I click on the link "Add-in Command Bars" in the ArcGIS Add-In Wizard, the Visual Studio generates only the dialog with the error report and than crash ...

You descibed this bug only at pre-release version ... or is also at the laste version ?

Thank you for the answer.
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New Contributor II
Can you provide more detail information on how to reproduce the crash? Can you reproduce this consistently with a new add-in project?  It will also help if you have screenshots of the error report and the config.esriaddinx file in the project.
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New Contributor
Thanks, this worked for me.  VS 2008 Express/ArcGIS 10


for Visual Studio Express 2008/ArcGIS 10;
- in VS, click on Tools>Code Snippets Manager
- Click on Add... and browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common 7\IDE\VBExpress\Snippets\ArcObjects
- Click OK and OK
- ArcObjects will now appear in the "Insert Snippet" context menu
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New Contributor
for Visual Studio Express 2008/ArcGIS 10;
- in VS, click on Tools>Code Snippets Manager
- Click on Add... and browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common 7\IDE\VBExpress\Snippets\ArcObjects
- Click OK and OK
- ArcObjects will now appear in the "Insert Snippet" context menu

Thanks! Funny how it's impossible to find this simple information in the ESRI help.
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Occasional Contributor
Thanks! Funny how it's impossible to find this simple information in the ESRI help.

100% agreed!  Seriously, ESRI, put a note in "Walkthrough: Building custom UI elements using add-ins."
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