I am newbie. I want to learn step by step.
Please advice me.
In my Data Frame (Current mxd) I have some layers : A, B, C, D and Group Layer E, F, G, H
How to make python scrip to ArcGiS 10.4:
1. Make visible Layer A and B and invisible Layer B and C
2. Make visible Group Layer E and F and invisible Group Layer G adn H
This is a sample code to do it
#A list of layer names that you want to be turned off.
names = [x,y,z,etc]
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("current")
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(, mxd, "Layers")[0]
layers = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "*", df)
for layer in layers:
if layer.name in names:
layer.visible = False
arcgis 10.1 - Turning off layers in ArcMap via ArcPy? - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchang...
Thanks very much, it works.
I have a idea to run the script python which is triggered from Driven Pages,
My driven page shapefile have a field I called "pyScript", I have some records with same extent, for each record (row) have different title of the map, of course the layer needed is also diffrent. For example, first record is landuse, second record is forest status, third record is geology and so on. I want when I navigate to the driven page record the script on the attribute run automatically to turn off or turn on the certain layer or layer group in accordance with the title of the map. Do you think possible to make this idea? If yes how to make this.
Technically you can do something like this.
You have to try access the records from the Feature Class (http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/arcpy/get-started/data-access-using-cursors.htm) and set up the map according to the fields you mention using the previous python script.
I can't understand yet data-access-using-cursors, related with my idea,
Let say we have "Driven_pages.shp" with fields "Title" and "pyScript" and have 2 rectangle polygons overlaping.
And we have two layers Landcover and Geology
Row 1st
The attribute of Title = Landcover
The attribute of pyScript =
names = [Geology]
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("current")
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(, mxd, "Layers")[0]
layers = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "*", df)
for layer in layers:
if layer.name in names:
layer.visible = False
Row 2nd
The attribute of Title = Geology
The attribute of pyScript =
names = [Landcover]
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("current")
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(, mxd, "Layers")[0]
layers = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "*", df)
for layer in layers:
if layer.name in names:
layer.visible = False
When we navigate to row 1st, we want the Landcover layer visible = True and Geology layer visible = False
and and vice versa when we navigate to row 2nd Landcover layer visible = False and Geology layer visible = True
Could you give me a simple way to do that.
you have to access the records and read the data from the desired fields. This can be happened using arcpy and searchCursor
see this sample from the help ArcGIS Desktop
import arcpy fc = "D:/st_johns/roads.shp" # Create a search cursor # rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc) # Create a list of string fields fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc, "", "String") for row in rows: for field in fields: if field.type != "Geometry": print "%s: Value = %s" % (field.name, row.getValue(field.name))
I got the value (the python script I have written in the record of driven_page.shp)
So how to connect to the current data driven page extent
Let say
If data driven page the Title = Landcover, and then print the row record of pyScript field, and how to run automatically the script
Sorry Papadopoulos, I am a newbie and and want to learn but confuse