I've been given a set of points as a shapefile with a column representing the direction in which the photo was taken. Is there a way to represent this in ArcMap with the direction rather than just a place marker? Alternately, is there a way to create a line of the directional angle from the point that could go along with the point shapefile? I think the person I'm doing this for wants this to be transferrable when he sends the shapefile to someone else.
Thanks to all.
Create an appropriate symbol that shows both location and direction. Eg a point with some form of arrow
Rotate the symbol based on the field values: How To: Rotate point marker symbols in ArcMap (esri.com)
If you only send the shapefile, the receiving person will have to do that again themselves. Symbology is not saved withion the shapefile.
You could send the shapefile and a layerfile with this configuration or upload the coinfigured layer to AGOL or Portal and share the web layer.